🤝A new DAO
The big difference between this and other DAO
Faraway is focused on full contact with the community:
Investors above $25,000 (usd) in the value of their position will be entitled to provide constructive feedback on the project on a semi-annual basis, which will be discussed by the teams and voted on at the DAO, if approved, the investor will be given a bonus stake of their $FAR.
Another way to listen
To broaden our ears in the community and know what changes they want as investors we will expand the ways in which they can participate, creating in the long term a social network where investors with more passion to make changes and issue criticisms will be rewarded.
Agora will be a new social network which will help the Faraway team to make decisions and to listen to all Far investors, this platform will have a prestige system among participants, these according to the ratings of their proposals and participation in discussions will be bonus allowing them to exchange their prestige for $FAR tokens.
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