Creating value
How we will generate revenue to the Caligula ecosystem?
The treasury is a multi-signature safe in which we store the stable and volatile currencies owned by the DAO. The treasury is used for essential purposes
Bonds is one of the ways in which Faraway generates revenue.
The protocol will sell token tokens (BUSD,DAI,WETH,BNB,USDT,etc) at a discount, which are then granted in a gradual release. This helps full time users actively manage their FAR portfolio and generate significant rewards, while supporting the growth of Faraway DAO.
Trading Fees
Some functions within the ecosystem will generate commercial fees for their use. These will go directly to the treasury.
The community must constantly vote to invest portions of the treasury in projects generated by the research and development team. The profits are the property of the treasury.
As mentioned above, investments will be a temporary expense and, if properly developed, will generate income.
From time to time, LP treasury tokens will be used to buy back and burn tokens. This mechanism is only used in periods of prolonged contraction. In this scenario the LP tokens are divided into FAR and x coin components. The FAR tokens are burned and the coins are used to buy back more FAR and then burn them.
The DAO wallet
The DAO wallet should be considered as a "Warm wallet" equivalent to the treasury. The treasury is intended for long-term money storage, the "Warm wallet" will be intended for marketing,
During the start-up of Faraway we will have limited resources at the time of our emergence as a DAO, we will develop the following products
Faraway Pro
Far Bank
Far Coopmarket-NFT
Faraway Launch
Faraway Swap
And more disruptive projects
DAO portfolio expenditures will be:
Token repurchase and token burning
Research team
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